Where does poetry come from?


Where does poetry come from

Where does poetry come from

A simple and very complex question

From life

From your heart

From your soul

From all around you

From deep inside you

From somewhere that you could never explain

When does poetry come

When you least expect it

When you are all alone

When you are in the middle of a crowd

When you can not find a pen

Never when you want it to

How much does poetry cost

Poetry is free

Sometimes it cost you everything

And more

How much does poetry pay


Sometimes more than you could ever imagine

Why write poetry

Because you enjoy it

To help yourself

To help others

To change the world

Because you really have no other choice

Because you have to breathe

What is poetry

Words that rhyme

Words that don’t

Sometimes something greater than the words on the page

All that you have left to show for your tears




(If there are posts here who hit upon this conjecture, my humble apology. I do't always read all posts in a thread.)

I think poetry came when language was able to move from a one-on-one situation to when language grew to a point where it was able to transmit meaning to a crowd. I think the orators--and that was all there was when poetry started--tried to both transfer facts to a crowd and to bring home their points and to entertain, add rhythms and assonance and rhyme "If the glove don't fit you must acquit" and
liken the concrete to the spiritual, and liken the spiritual to the concrete.