Looking for a non-romantic vampire story

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Jan 11, 2013
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I second the P. N. Elrod suggestion. There is a bit of romance in them, but just as much attention is spent developing the friendships between characters as the romances, and when the books get rolling, it's in the background of character motivation and never eclipses the story. I highly recommend these. The Vampire Files series is probably my favorite vampire related one on my shelves.

There's also the President's Vampire series by Christopher Farnsworth. Complete pulp, but entertaining, action-y pulp written in a thriller movie style so, like a black hole, it sort of just sucks you in.

I tentatively suggest Tanya Huff's Blood Books and Smoke series. There is romance in the Blood Books, but it's one of the only examples of a love triangle (love V?) being represented as a hurtful thing rather than romantic. A lot of the verbal relationship stuff plays out while the plot is going on, but the rest of it stays in the background. The Smoke series doesn't have as much (if any) but the vampire character is a lot more in the background and only shows up to take action when his ex-boyfriend is about to get eaten by something big and nasty.

You could try the Felix Gomez series by Mario Acevedo. Again, very pulpy, but entertaining. I think there's a glimmer of romance in those, but the woman gets removed permanently from the equation (twice, if I recall) so the main character never gets more than a half-decent kiss. Once.

If you want more gritty non-romantic vampires, you might go for Angel of Vengeance (a standalone) by Trevor O. Munson. Very old-style noir with a very unsympathetic vampire who can be just plain monstrous when he wants to be. Or maybe it's the other way around. Yeah, he can be nice when he wants to be, otherwise, he's a monster.

Aaaand that's all I've got.
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