

Down Under Fan
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Dec 17, 2007
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Rishon Lezion, Israel
One upon a time, a woman decided to open a small exclusive deli on the north side of a large hill in the town in which she lived. She was an excellent cook, demanding that all the produce be fresh, the meats and cheeses top-grade, the eggs still warm from the chickens, in short, everything had to be perfect.

And so it was, for everyone who came and ate, left moaning for being over-stuffed and just plain stuptified from the thick sandwiches on bread fresh from the clay oven, savory soups, and the six-of-one, half-a dozen of the other types of pies and cakes also made daily.

On the east side of the hill, a second woman in another county, sister to the first, celebrated her anniversary at her older sister's new deli and decided to open her own shop far enough away that she wouldn't compete and take away business.

She too was an excellent cook, and cries of satiation and promises to return the following day came from every customer. The waiting lines were long but no one minded for the food was to die for.

A third and fourth sister opened their own little eatery shops on the south and west sides of the hill in their own separate villages with equal sucess. Pictures were in all the papers and the critics adored each little restaurant.

To this day, that site is known as the Mount of County Bistros.


Word butcher
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
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ooh, I love puns.

Here's an old one, and it's somewhat belated, but I like it still:

A man arrives home one night after work to find the house empty. On the coffee table is a note from his wife: "Dear John. I've gone away with the gardener."

He sits down in shock, his head in his hands; in utter despair. After some time of feeling miserable, he discovers that he's hungry. He goes to the fridge, but it's empty except for a bottle of beer and some old, smelly cheese.

"Oh, well," he says, "I can make a toasted cheese sandwich, I guess."

He slices the cheese, puts it on some bread and puts the sandwich in the broiler. Then he picks up the bottle of beer and looks at the label. It's some kind he's never seen before--must have belonged to the stupid hippie gardener that ran off with his wife. On the label is a sheep: Ewe Beer brand.

With a shrug, he opens the bottle and takes a sip. And it's not half bad. He drinks most of it down before he smells smoke.

He rushes into the kitchen, sees smoke pouring from the oven. He retrieves the sandwich--it's burnt to ashes. But, it's all he has to eat so--

He has a smelly crisp mess and a hippie's Ewe Beer.



Down Under Fan
Super Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Rishon Lezion, Israel
Once upon a time a baby boy was left on the steps of the Old St. Paul's Rectory. He was in a sickly state with a skull deformity that pushed the one eye nearly central to his face, the other didn't even exist as more than an afterthought of overgrown bone. A secondary, less disfiguring but as noticible was the nearly all over birthmark, a patchy port-wine stain that covered 85% of his skin, including his face.

Nothwithstanding, the boy Paul, named for the place of his foundling, became a loving empathetic man, who entered the pritesthood, as he found a calling to minister to all those left alone as he was. Despite his visual handicap, he even got a pilot's licence and flew to different parishes, speaking to all who would listen.

With time, his convictions and ernestness brought him to the notice of the College of Cardinals when the last pope died. Paul became the next leader of the Catholic church.

He was a one-eyed, once-scorned, flying purple papal leader.


Down Under Fan
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Dec 17, 2007
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Rishon Lezion, Israel
Every time Roy went to the Ritz Carlton in Tennesee for weekly sales meetings he left his shoes outside to be polished, per the valet service, Roy complained to his friend Tom, that the shoes always came back with rips and punctures. He'd had several arguments with the valet, the manager, all sorts of staff people but no one kew the answer and none claimed responsibility. They couldn't understand why he'd want such disreputable shoes cleaned. Everything else was perfect about the hotel. What could he do?

Tom picked up a small camera that could be hidden almost anywhere and handed it to Roy, telling him to install it to watch the shoes then bring it back after the next trip. He'd download the film and they'd find the culprit.

Roy agreed and came came the next week with aother pair of shredded shoes and the camera with the film.

Tom took it and converted it on his computer with a special photo program. Soon he was laughing and he called his buddy over. Several striped kittens were bouncing about the hallway and the mother tabby was rolling, biting and clawing at Roy's most recently purchased footwear.

"Pardon me Roy, is that the cat who chewed your new shoes?"


Word butcher
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
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Once, in Thailand, there was a man named Chan who was a dealer of exotic hardwoods. He carried everything from mahogany to kokobolo, from ebony to purple heart. But by far, his greatest business was from selling teak to Scandinavian furniture designers.

It was the 1960s and Chan rapidly became a very wealthy man.

Until one day, he arrived at the lumber yard to discover a large portion of premium teak was missing. Chan was devastated. Upon inspection of the lumber yard, they saw tiny footprints, as though made by a small child. He called the police. They questioned everyone in the town, especially the children, but it was soon obvious that none of the townspeople were guilty of lumber thievery. Chan's insurance company paid the damages and a large fence was erected around the lumber yard.

A month went by and no more lumber was stolen, and the incident was forgotten.

But then one morning, Chan found that almost an entire unit of premium teak was gone. Again, there were the small footprints in the dirt all around where the teak had been. Chan's insurance company hired private detectives to stake out the lumber yard, because it was obvious that the thefts occurred only at night.

It was around three o'clock in the morning, two nights later, that the detectives were startled to see a large bear lightly hop over the fence, pick up a large bundle of teak boards and leap back over the fence where it disappeared into the jungle.

Of course they notified Chan and the police and of course they gave chase. Near dawn they located the bear, its den almost completely full of the missing teak. The surprised bear was last seen vanishing into the jungle, a few of the contraband teak on its shoulder. But most surprising was that the bear had tiny, naked human-looking feet.

Said the chief of police: "Well, there goes boyfoot bear with teak of Chan!"



Ribbed for your pleasure.
Super Member
Sep 22, 2007
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A Sunday School teacher read a passage from the Old Testament book of Jonah to her class:

"And the Lord appointed a great fish to swallow up Jonah;
and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and
three nights. Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from
the belly of the fish, saying 'I called to the Lord out
of my distress and He answered me." and the Lord spoke
to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land."
(Jonah 1:17)

When she had finished reading, the teacher said, "Now, children, you have heard the Bible story of Jonah and the whale. What does this story teach us?"

Little Johnny raised his hand and said, "You can't keep a good man down!"


Capeless, wingless, & yet I fly.
Super Member
May 11, 2007
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Years ago, Quasimodo took a brief vacation from the great cathedral of Notre Dame. A series of young substitutes filled in for him. One morning three monks were walking outside the cathedral when the ringing of the bells were suddenly interrupted by a terrible cry, followed by an even more terrible thud! as one of the substitutes fell to his tragic end.

The three monks rushed to where the young man lay.

"What happened? Who was it?" One of the monks inquired.

"Such a shame," said the second monk. "He's a dead ringer for Quasimodo."

"I don't know his name," the third added. "But his face sure rings a bell."


Invisible Writer
Super Member
Nov 1, 2006
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It's a little-known fact that at one time those same monks ran a small florists' shop outside the cathedral to support their many charities. Unfortunately the shop was small and closed-in and turned out to have continuing difficulties with ventilation. The original architect, Brother Hugh, had gone away on pilgrimage, and no matter how many times the others tried to clear the vents, they had no success.

Finally Brother Hugh returned. Under his direction the faulty vents were torn out and replaced entirely...

...thus proving that only Hugh can re-vent florist friars.


Word butcher
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
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There once was a famous pianist from New York City who was scheduled to give a concert on a Sunday night in Chicago. Having never before played in this particular hall, he had intended to arrive Friday night in order to have all day Saturday to become familiar with the piano. However, his plane was delayed and by the time he reached Chicago, it was well into Saturday evening. He was very tired. Because the promoter had assured him they had a well-maintained Steinway grand, he decided that a few hours before the Sunday concert would be sufficient. He checked into his hotel and fell to sleep.

After a late breakfast, the pianist went to the concert hall to check out the Steinway. The stage manager let him into the empty hall and he sat down to play. The first arpeggio struck his ears like fingernails on a blackboard. The piano was horribly out of tune.

Irked, the pianist called the stage manager, but he denied culpability, claiming he only moved the piano on and off the stage. The pianist called the promoter, but he was in church and couldn't be reached. In a panic, the pianist resorted to the yellow pages, calling one piano tuner after another. But, being Sunday, none were available.

Except the last name, in small print, a Vicktor Opürnokyiti.

"Ja, Ich vill komm toon yar piano," said a rather old sounding and obviously foreign voice. "Ich vill be yet ofer."

At least this old geezer is prompt, thought the pianist, when the stage manager led a wizened little man onto the stage. "Please," he said, looking at his watch, "be quick as you can. I have a concert in four hours."

"Ach, not ein problemo," said Opürnokyiti, and he got right down to work. The pianist sat in the hall, reviewing sheet music. The old man finished tuning the piano with just a little more than two hours to go before the concert. The pianist thanked him, paid him his fee, and after he was alone in the hall again, sat down to play.

The sound that emanated from the piano was, if possible, worse than before. It was like listening to pigs in a slaughter house, accompanied by a drunken steel drum band and several klaxon horns.

Furious, the pianist rushed to the phone and called the old piano tuner. "Hey, old man," he shrieked. "I don't know what you did, but this piano is worse than it was before! Get your sorry butt back here and fix it. I have to play in two hours!"

"Ach, Ich bin zo zorry, mein Herr," the old man said, "But Ich kannot."

"But you came before! I beg you, please come fix this piano. Why can't you come now?"

"Vell, you see," said the old man, "For you, Opürnokyiti only toon once."


Down Under Fan
Super Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Rishon Lezion, Israel
Hearst was a big man who owned the biggest newspaper in the country. He wasn't afraid to use the 4th Estate to comment via editorials on everything he saw wrong from littering to any and all mafiosi workings.

Hearst wrote and villified the Family at every opportunity, writing the editorials at the top restaurants in town, growing less tolerant and stouter by the month.

The Godfather had enough. Calling his best wiseguys, Vito and Carlo he told them to, 'make it look like an accident. Don't let the body be found.'

A week later Hearst vanished. Peace reigned for another week until his body popped up bobbing under the main bridge in the city for everyone to see.

'What went wrong?' The Godfather asked Vito and Carlo, looking to avoid the same mistake by others in his employ.

'We weighted his body with chains, he had cement to his knees, we even poured sand down his throat,'said Vito.

Carlo shrugged, 'It was inevitable, we shoulda buried him instead.'

The Godfather snarled, 'Why's that?'

Carlo replied, 'You can lead a Hearst to water but you can't make him sink.'


Word butcher
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
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Detective Lieutenant Roger McCoy was called to the crime scene at the big mansion in the ritziest part of town. It belonged to Benjamin Hollister, the CEO of the largest employer in the county. Hollister, it seemed, had come to a rather gruesome demise sometime in the night. McCoy drove up the long drive and stopped by a small crows of police officers. He ducked under the crime scene tape and almost threw up. It was horrible. There was the flattened body, pressed into the lawn, nearly unrecognizable as having ever belonged to a human being. Two employees from the coroner's office were examining the body.

"Sergeant Hanson." McCoy greeted the nearest officer, a cute red head. "What happened here?"

"We're still trying to figure it out," she said. "At first, we thought it was some kind of ATV, based on the damage done to the turf." Here, she pointed to several smooth-bottomed grooves that criss-crossed the lawn and the body. "But the tracks aren't parallel. We're working on it, sir."

"Who found the body?"

"The gardener, sir. Hennessey's over there getting his statement."

The coroner noticed McCoy, stood up, gingerly removed his gloves, shook his head. "Hey McCoy. This one's a doozy. Cause of death appears to be suffocation due to several large and heavy blunt objects. Never saw anything like it."

A couple of officers came running up, one carrying a small, pointed red hat, the other, what looked like a bowling ball. "You ain't gonna believe this," said the officer with the hat. He wore an amused expression.

"What's so funny, Garvey?" McCoy said.

"Sorry. Just that it looks like this is belonged to one of the perps. You know what it is, right?"

"Looks like a hat," Hanson said. "A ... gnome's hat."

"A gnome? Like one of those garden decorations?"

"Is what it looks like to me," said the officer. "And Peterson--" he indicated his companion-- "found that bowling ball."

"Not just this one," Peterson said, "but a dozen or more of 'em. Scattered all over in the bushes out back. Lots of tiny footprints, too."

"Oh come on," McCoy said. "You're trying to tell me that a garden gnome killed Hollister?"

The officers wore sheepish but amused looks. "That's what we're saying, Lieutenant. There's no other explanation."

"How is it possible?"

The coroner looked at the bowling ball, nodded. "That's the murder weapon all right. Or one of 'em. Hollister was definitely smothered to death."

"By garden gnomes? Those ugly little plaster things?"

"Not plaster ones," said a voice. McCoy looked around to see two other officers coming up, carrying two wriggling little bearded men by their collars. They wore pointy toed little red shoes, green jackets. One was bare headed, the other had on a red pointed hat that matched the one officer Garvey held. "These guys did it. Wasn't hard to get a confession out of 'em."

Just then, the gardener came up, tugged on McCoy's sleeve. "D'ya know what happened?

The detective looked at him for a moment, then shaking his head, said, "Well sir, it looks to me like these bowling gnomes smothered your boss."


Invisible Writer
Super Member
Nov 1, 2006
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Wow, some of these are painful. :tongue

So Miss Patricia Black is a bank teller, and good enough at her job that when a frog comes hopping up to her desk one day, all she says is, "Yes, sir, can I help you?"

"I hope so," says the frog, "I'd like a loan."

"I can do that, sir, but I'll need some collateral."

So the frog hops up on the desk, dragging a Hummel statue as tall as itself. Now Patty's a bit surprised, since that doesn't fit any kind of collateral she's ever heard of, but she manages to keep a professional face, and excuses herself to get the manager's signature on the loan.

So she takes the little statue and the loan paperwork into the manager's office. "Well, sir, this, ah -- Kermit Jagger -- wants a loan, but I don't know about this statue as collateral..."

And the manager says, "It's a knick-knack, Patty Black; give the frog a loan! His old man's a Rolling Stone."


Luftmensch Emeritus, A.D.D.
Kind Benefactor
Super Member
Feb 13, 2005
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Heh, heh. I love these stories.

Just goes to prove, a pun is its own reword.


Invisible Writer
Super Member
Nov 1, 2006
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Also the lowest form of humor, unless you make it up.


Historicals and Horror rule
Super Member
Apr 27, 2006
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Winter Haven, Florida
In the earliest part of the 20th century the young Basque men of the villiage took their elder to see his first movie. The old man froze in the aisle when he saw a train rushing towards him. Then someone yelled Fire! While the young Basques tried to pull the elder out of the theater they were trampled to death, proving the old adage:

Never put all your Basques in the same exit.



Down Under Fan
Super Member
Dec 17, 2007
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Rishon Lezion, Israel
Two eccentrics, Hugh and Theo had fought over everything their entire lives. They had come from wealthy families, related by blood, politics, business, and a dislike of each other that bordered on psychotic if they had been less well-heel and couldn't pay off the legal system 5x per year each.

In their late 80ies they decided, after much formality of exchanging parchment notes by one butler to the other, listing insults based on impossible physical acts and ludicris genetics, to have a duel to decide who would truly win all.

Their wills had been drawn up by the same lawyer, specifying that the death of one would mean that the other gets the goods, the chattel, and the billions in real estate, foriegn investments, and the tax-free accounts in the Caymans.

They met at dawn in a park far from prying eyes--Hugh's idea, weapons of choice were 2 of Theo's paternal grandmother's Victorian hat pins, each one 8 inches long.

As in life, so too the end, Hugh and Theo pricked each other missing vitals less by chance than by the grace of arthritis, cataracts, lumbago, and emphysema.

Red spots liberally pinked each man's white shirt in uneven polkadots. Hugh had sustained quite a few more hits, he had stayed on the attack more often than not.

Theo's hand shook as he backed up from Hugh's determined advance, "You bastard, you'll never wi--" His foot slipped and he tumbled down a slope, breaking his neck.

Hugh looked down in triumph, "Of course I will, I designed this park. All I had to do was get you to this hill and slide on the wet grass. After all, the sward is mightier than the pin."


Word butcher
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
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The recent demise of Mr. Heath Ledger is a sad thing. Fans of his, however, can view his last two films, which will be released posthumously.

I apologize in advance for the following, but the above announcement has prompted another entry into this horrible thread.

Gus McPhee had a large field in the lowlands of Scotland. At the urging of his banker, he decided to sell some of the sod, and a good amount of topsoil beneath it, which was very rich. McPhee divided his field into plots and marked the corners of the plots with a number of wooden posts.

His business boomed. Gardeners from miles around came to get his fertile topsoil. While at first, he could keep track of his business in his head, it soon became necessary to resort to bookkeeping. His banker was pleased, too, that McPhee had such good records, and told him so.

McPhee said, "Och, 'tis nothin'. I just keep track of it all in my heath humus post ledger."



DISENCHANTED coming soon
Super Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Ottawa, Canada and Spring City, PA
Mahatma Gandhi was universally respected for his ideals and spirituality. He clothed himself in a simple loincloth and walked long distances in his bare feet. His custom of frequent fasting did make his constitution somewhat less than robust and also resulted in problems with bad breath.

He was a super calloused, fragile mystic, plagued with halitosis.