Is it okay to relax here?

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I'm so glad I found this forum. I was cheerfully descending the ST Literary Agency escalator to hell when I found the Beware board and pulled myself out of ST's snares.

I'm trying to find a legit agent while working full time, raising 2 kids, and helping my DH with his own business. You can laugh now. It's okay.

I've written a horror novel with a Christian theme. No, no, really. Hey, I'm an ex-nun. I know religion and horror. (Okay, it wasn't all horror. That came from being raised on Hammer films.)

just north of Buffalo (and oh my, the Bills actually won a game!)

aka eraser

Welcome callalily. I'm "just" north of Buffalo too. On t'other side of the border in southern Ontario.

And yes, you can relax here. I have been for a couple+ years. I plan to get energized any day now though.


Welcome, callalily.

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